Candidacy for the 2002-2003 CESROUTE international training programme in Road Management
Contemplated Personal Project
My name is Armands Kronlaks and I am currently employed at the State Joint Stock Company "Latvian Road Administration as the manager of Liepaja District Unit.
The main tasks of a district unit of our organisation are :
management of state roads,
planning and supervision of road routine maintenance works,
as well as, protection of state roads.
For the time being in addition to my basic duties I am involved in drafting the regulation of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia "Determination of Road Routine Maintenance Quality Indicators".
According to this Regulation all state roads will be divided into 5 maintenance classes, which are a set of road routine maintenance quality indicators and deadlines for routine maintenance works to achieve a specific level of maintenance.
Road maintenance classes will be determined according to the road class, road traffic intensity and financing for road routine maintenance works.
The Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Latvia will determine road maintenance classes for roads and their sections for the period of one year.
At present road routine maintenance works in Latvia are paid for depending on the quantities of each executed work, however, such method of payment for works complicates work planning and supervision and causes their cost increase. According to the criteria set by the new Regulation of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia "Determination of Road Routine Maintenance Quality Indicators"
in future it is envisaged to transfer to the payment for works according to maintenance class per length of maintained road section. Such payment system would significantly facilitate the planning of road routine maintenance works, calculation of the necessary financing and work supervision, but at the same time it would increase the possibility of mistakes in determining the unit prices in favour of the government or private contractors, which would lead to real losses to both of these parties.
At present it is very important to get acquainted with the experience of other countries in the preparation of identical or similar documents so that all the relevant issues are considered.
Therefore, during the CESROUTE training course I would like to develop the project "Planning and Management of Road Routine Maintenance Works" by adding to my own experience and knowledge the French and international expertise. The issues I am interested to learn are listed below :
order of determining the quality characteristics of road routine maintenance ;
calculation of the financing required for implementing the quality requirements for road routine maintenance ;
method for the calculation of work unit price ;
order of controlling the quality indices, i.e. supervision of road routine maintenance and the required documentation ;
division of responsibility between the customer and the contractor in road routine maintenance.
Armands Kronlaks
Head of Liep_ja District Unit
Latvian Road Administration