CYCLES INTERNATIONAUX / INTERNATIONAL SEMINARS > 5th WWW-YES / World Wide Workshop for Young Environmental Scientists

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5th WWW-YES / World Wide Workshop for Young Environmental Scientists
Vitry sur Seine (FRANCE) / 9 - 12 May 2006
Friday 10 March 2006 , Bruno Tassin, Daniel Thévenot, Georges Raimbault, Gilles Varrault, Martin Seidl

For its seventh annual venue, the "Water University" of the Val-de-Marne county (south-east border of Paris city) organises jointly with the Cereve and the LCPC, an international workshop dedicated to young environmental scientists, i.e. Master of Science, doctoral or post-doctoral students.

Since its creation the thematic guideline of the seminar is, "Urban waters: resource or risk", inviting the participants to rethink the need for participative and integrated water management in urban areas. This topic emphasizes the necessity of integration of the human activity in the natural environment to make sustainable development of urban life space possible. In order to construct the general discussion, the young scientists identify the key factors, their interactions and analyze the risks of degradation of water resources. This exercise requires the knowledge of the hydrological phenomena and their modelling, combined with the analysis of water uses and the social demand.

This seminar is characterized by a non formal work environment: the participants work and are accommodated at the same site in the south-eastern suburbs of Paris (domaine départemental de Chérioux, Vitry sur Seine) stimulating the scientific creativity and exchange. The optimal number of participants is around 25.

The four days of the seminar, chaired by the scientific staff of CEREVE, are dedicated both to the presentation and deep discussion of the individual research work (subject of thesis) and to the conception of scientific co-operation projects, in front of a committee composed of experts and key actors of international co-operation. These projects have to answer a virtual call for proposals for scientific North-South co-operation on topics implied by the decentralized co-operation. The last half-day of the workshop is dedicated to a technical visit related to themes of water management in the conurbation of Paris.

This year the workshop will be organised in collaboration with the working group ICUD, SOCOMA on source control in urban stormwater management (IAHR / IWA joint committee on urban drainage) and with other IWA working groups dedicated to high education. The event is supported by ASTEE, Association Scientifique et Technique pour l’Eau et l’Environnement.

Organising comittee

Dr Gilles Varrault & Prof. Daniel Thévenot,

CEREVE Centre d’Enseignement et de Recherche sur l’Eau, la Ville et l’Environnement / Water, City and Environment Research and Teaching Centre (UMR - MA 102)

University Paris XII-Val de Marne,
Faculty of Science and Technology,
61 Avenue du General de Gaulle,94010 Creteil Cedex, France
Phone: +33-1 45 17 16 31, Fax: +33-1 45 17 16 27,

Dr Martin Seidl & Dr Bruno Tassin,

Ecole nationale des Ponts et Chaussees (ENPC),
6-8 Avenue Blaise Pascal,Cité Descartes, Champs sur marne,
77455 Marne la Vallée Cedex 2, France
Phone: +33-1 64 15 36 40, Fax: +33-1 64 15 37 64,

Georges Raimbault,

Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées (LCPC),
BP 4129, 443141 Bougenais Cedex, France.
President of the working group on "Source Control for stormwater Management- SOCOMA" of the IAHR / IWA joint committee on urban drainage.

Scientific programme

The workshop will take place, from Tuesday 9 May to Friday 12 May 2006, from 9:00 to 17:30 within the Domaine de Chérioux at Vitry sur Seine (5 km south of Paris) where meetings, accommodation and meals will be held in adjacent buildings. The attendance will be limited to 20-25 doctoral or post-doctoral students, in order to give enough time for scientific presentation (30 min) and discussion (15 min) with each participant, but also to enable numerous cultural interactions.

Each participant has to prepare a technical/scientific paper presentation, in English, on his/her research project and be ready for detailed scientific discussion during the workshop. As for its 2002, 2003 and 2004 venues, the main topic selected for this workshop is:

"Urban waters: resource or risk?"

evertheless, as presented above, the workshop topic is "open", i.e. not targeted towards a specific issue, and defined by the following list of keywords. Each participant should recognise at least 2 keywords in his/her suggested paper within the following list:


Urban water resources, discharged urban water, combined sewer overflow, water quality classification /status /standard /modelling, effects/impact of urban drainage/overflows, waste water treatment, urban water re-use, waste water recycling, source control of urban water pollution, risk assessment tools and models, management tools, decision support systems (DSS), systems, sustainable development, developing countries.

The WWW-YES organising committee intends to publish selected, refereed and possibly revised manuscripts within a special issue of an international publication. Results of ongoing discussions with scientific publishers will be made available to participants as soon as possible.

During 2 half-day sessions, participants will prepare jointly international collaborative projects on ongoing research activities on urban waters: resource or risk. These projects will be presented, at the end of the workshop, to a panel of experts (Directors of Graduate Schools, NGOs, and international cooperation representatives) and searchers in the field, in order to further develop them and possibly obtain, from various international or national authorities or agencies, support for future scientific exchanges and collaborations.


The registration form (Microsoft Word) for the workshop organised from 9 to 12 May 2006 is can be downloaded here. This form is to be sent, by mail before 17 March 2006 to:

An acknowledgment will be returned upon reception of each application form, well received. After examination of all received applications and building up of the workshop scientific programme, all applicants will be informed of the acceptance or refusal of their application. Upon acceptance of their application, candidates will have to be ready to finalize teir registration before 3 April 2006 by sending:
- 1. A 6-10 page English extended abstract of their presentation in the form of Microsoft Word file or RTF format, in order to prepare the workshop proceedings and a special issue for an international publication,
- 2. Your expected date and time of arrival and departure to/ from Paris, for organising the accommodation and meals at Domaine de Chérioux. For most participants, accommodation will be extended from the day preceding the workshop to the day after its end.

Material organisation of the workshop

During all their attendance to the "Water University", i.e. either from 8 to 13 May 2006 (morning), the participant accommodation and meals will be entirely supported by the Val-de-Marne county at "Domaine de Chérioux".

One room will be devoted to the workshop operation, containing several PC, all linked to Internet and connected to a printer. Thus participants will be able to read their own mailboxes using this connection. This main conference room will present following facilities:

- An overhead projector and screen,
- A slide projector,
- A data projector connected to a laptop PC (including MS Power Point) using alternatively: a 1.4 Mb diskette, a CD-ROM or USB keys.
- Paperboards.


Find the location of the Domaine de Chérioux and a map of the domaine indicating the specific sites.

Domaine de Chérioux, 7 route de Fontainebleau, (RN7),
94407 Vitry-sur-Seine, France

Ground transportation (map Metro)
RER : line A from the Airport CDG to stop Chatelet
then Metro : Ligne 7 - stop : Louis Arago (sortie/exit: Villejuif)
then bus : n°185 - Stop : Ecole Départementale

You will be welcomed at this site from Monday 8 May till Sunday 14 May 2006 and until 18 May 2006 for participants attending Environmental Science and Technology meeting. An information meeting will be held at Chérioux on Monday 8 May at 7 PM by Gilles Varrault.

Final notice

In case candidates have any specific question on the WWW-YES or the "Water University" programme or organisation, please contact Gilles Varrault ( and Bruno Tassin ( and read Cereve Web pages at URL:

Gilles Varrault, Bruno Tassin, Martin Seidl, Georges Raimbault and Daniel Thévenot - Organising committee WWW-YES 2006


- Jean Duclos ALEGUE FEUGO - GERMANY - Brandenburg University of Technology, Cottbus. Institute of Environmental Management. Department of Ecosystem and Environmental Informatics.
Indicators and Standards for Assessing and Managing Water Quality
- Beatriz BIANCHI CALERA - CUBA - National Institute of Hydraulics Resources. Havana Metropolitan Park.
Water quality control in Almendares river; a challenge in watershed management.
- Javier HOLGUIN - COLOMBIA - CINARA Univalle Cali Colombia
Environmental impact modelling of discharged urban water in aquatic ecosystems receivers. Case of study: Cali city and the Cauca River.
- Houria DJEDIAI - ALGERIA - University of Science and Technology Mohamed Boudiaf ORAN, Science faculty , Chemical Departement
Study and elaboration of surface water ressource maps in Tafna river’s basin in the West of Algeria"
- Pauline ROBERT - FRANCE - ENPC Cereve
The impact of roofing materials on metal runoff in urban stormwater
- Léocadie ODOULAMI - BELGIQUE/BENIN - Université d’Abomey-Calavi, Ecole doctorale pluridisciplinaire, Laboratoire: LECREDE
Water quality and sanitary consequences on the population of Cotonou (Benin)
- Alaba BOLUWADE - NIGERIA - Département d’Ingénierie Civile, Université de NEW South Wales, Australia
Modelling Opeki river flow for sustainable development in oyo state Nigeria
- Marie- Madeleine NGOUTANE PARE - CAMEROON - University of Yaoundé I, Department of plant Biology and Physiology. Faculty of Science, University of Yaounde I-Cameroon
Vulnerability of urban wetland aquatic flora communities to pollution: the case of messa wetlands (Yaoundé - Cameroon)
- Eduard SORS - FRANCE - Ecole d’Architecture de Paris Belleville Laboratoire IPRAUS-LAIADE (CNRS)
Urban hydrological shifts in time and space: from hydrophobe to hydrophage interactions and behaviours
- R. Katia MAGNIANT (Ziba) - FRANCE - Université de Reims - Champagne - Ardenne
Year 2025, drinkable water for all in Ouagadougou : a difficult undertaking
- Anne BELBEOCH - FRANCE - ENPC Cereve France
Overview on a sociologic approach to meet the complexity of water supply in the process of decentralization in West Africa, more particularly in the small centres
- Ernest Mensah ABRAHAM - GHANA - International Water Management Institute
Maximizing the benefits of urban water resources for improved livelihood of city dwellers in Accra, Ghana
- Nadjet AROUA - ALGERIA - Ecole Polytechnique d’Architecture et d’urbanisme. Algiers. Research Unit on "Architecture and Environment"
Water’s question in urban area of Algiers : Venerability factors and resilience capacity of Algerian urban areas towards hydro climatic risks
- Lourdes Sofìa MENDOZA BOHNE - GERMANY - International Graduate Social Studies, University of Bielefeld-Germany Centro Universitario de Ciencias Sociales y humanidades
The culture of the use of the water in everyday life. A social studie case of two neighbourhoods in Guadalajara, Mèxico
- Norma Angélica HERNÁNDEZ BERNAL - BRASIL - Minas Gerais Federal University, Sanitation and Environmental Engineering Department, Hydric Resources
Rainwater harvesting as an alternative to diminish environmental and social vulnerability in the semiarid region of Minas Gerais State, Brazil
- Priscilla MOURA - FRANCE - INSA de Lyon - Unité de Recherche en Génie Civil
Multicriteria procedure for the design and the management of infiltration systems
- Fausta PRANDINI - ITALY - CeTAmb, University of Brescia (Italy), DICATA Department
CeTAmb’s experiences: drinking water management in India and wastewater treatments for agricoltural applications in Senegal
- Cristian MORALES CAMPOS - CUBA - Technical University of Havana. Hydraulics Research’s Center.
Urban Constructed Wetlands for Domestics Wastewater Treatment. In Havana.
- Emilienne RASOANANDRASANA - MADAGASCAR - University of Reunion, Department of physique, LRGE2
Contribution in the study of waste domestical and industrial water of Mahajanga: and the slaughterhouse effluents
- Rita Maria UGARELLI - ITALY - Bologna University, italy and NTNU, Norway
The decision support system CARE-S: pros and cons of the project after one year of application
- Nirmala VEERALADINNE - INDIA - S.K University, Anantapur(A.P),INDIA
Application of low-cost Agricultural wastes/by-products in the treatment of water and wastewater
- Bartholom. Udochukwu OPARAJI - NIGERIA - Federal University Of Technology, Owerri, Nigeria/ Civil Engineering
Evaluation of an integrated bio-coagulant- sand filter for domestic water treatment in Nigeria urban cities


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