this is now time for the propositions of full papers for Digital
Enterprise Technology 2008 conference in Nantes, 22-24 October 2008.
All the submitted abstracts are elected as possible accepted full
papers. You have to upload your papers using the access codes you have
already received. If any difficulties, please let us know.
But, even if you did not submit any abstract, it is possible directly to
submit a full paper.
Please connect to the conference website and follow the instructions
concerning paper format and submission.
The final acceptance is based on the reviews of the full papers.
Concerning the conference, this will be a three-days conference. We will
include a half-a-day company visits, we will also include a half-a-day
round table and workshop about the new challenges and the future of DET.
Actually, we can announce six keynote speakers, both from industry and
from academia. All these keynote speakers will provide very soon on the
website a photo, an abstract and a short biography. You will see that
these distinguish persons are some of the most active in DET field.
So, please encourage your colleagues to submit their best results for
consideration by the International Scientific Committee for review.
There will also be an additionnal opportunity concerning the week-end
after the conference. A program is beeing build actually and we will
propose you soon some different and very original activities during the
And then, if you are concerned by education issues, you can also submit
papers for the CIMEC conference that will be launched at the beginning
of the week after DET 2008 in Nantes.
So, as you can see it, this constitute a double occasion to participate
to both events with an exceptionnal week-end between the two events.
Click here to know more