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Geotechnical design of structures and highways
Paris : from 09/04 to 29/04 (FRA)
45018 - GEOTECH15
Project Management
Paris : from 16/04 to 29/04 (FRA + ENG)
45019 - MAPROJ15
Environmental Impact Assessment
Paris : from 18/05 to 29/05 (FRA)
45020 - EIE15
Design, Management and Regulation of Port Concessions
Paris/Le Havre : from 18/05 to 22/05 (FRA + ENG)
45021 - CONPORT15
Urban Environmental Management : Solid wastes, waste water management & sustainable development
Paris : from 25/05 to 29/05 (FRA)
45022 - MANENV15
The HDM4 model
Paris : du 12/05 au 23/05 (ENG)
Climate change adaptation
Paris : from 01/06 to 05/06 (FRA + ENG)
45023 - ADACLI15
Traffic management and road operation / Traffic engineering
Paris : from 01/06 to 12/06 (FRA + ENG)
45024 - GESTRAF15
Management of SME of road work
Paris : from 01/06 to 12/06 (FRA)
45025 - PMEROUTE15
Project development & financing
Paris : from 15/06 to 19/06 (ENG)
45026 - FIPROJ15
Functional analysis and system risk control
Paris : from 15/06 to 19/06 (FRA)
45027 - ANAFON15
The HDM 4 Model : strategy - programming - projects
Paris : from 10/06 to 14/06 (FRA)
42027 - HDM12
Project engineering : Human Resources Management and Training
Paris : from 15/06 to 03/07 (FRA)
56001 - IGRH15
Water Resources Management
Paris : from 22/06 to 03/07 (FRA)
56002 - GESTEAU15
Urban Drainage
Paris : from 22/06 to 03/07 (FRA)
56003 - ASSURB15
Economic assessment for infrastructure projects
Paris : from 14/09 to 25/09 (FRA + ENG)
56004 - EVECO15
Transport Economics
Paris : from 14/09 to 25/09 (FRA + ENG)
56005 - ECOTRANS15
Road maintenance and its management
Paris : from 28/09 to 09/10 (FRA + ENG)
56006 - ROMAINT15
Ports Infrastructures Maintenance
Paris : from 28/09 to 09/10 (FRA)
56007 - MINFRAPOR15
Airports Infrastructures Maintenance
Paris : from 28/09 to 09/10 (FRA)
56008 - MINFRAERO15
Financial modelling, engineering and regulation for infrastructure projects under public-private partnership basis
Paris : from 19/10 to 23/10 (FRA)
56009 - MOREFI15
Private-Public Partnership and Regulation of Urban Services : water, transport and poverty
Paris : from 19/10 to 23/10 (FRA)
56010 - PPPSEVURB15
Urban services : organisation, financing, tariff, management
Paris : from 19/10 to 30/10 (FRA)
56011 - SEVURB15
Legal environment and contract negotiation
Paris : from 26/10 to 30/10 (FRA + ENG)
56012 - MONJUR15
Urban rehabilitation operations
Paris : from 16/11 to 27/11 (FRA)
56013 - REHAB15
Road Safety
Paris : from 16/11 to 27/11 (FRA + ENG)
56014 - SECROUTE15
The HDM 4 Model : strategy - programming - projects
Paris : from 12/11 to 22/11 (FRA)
42028 - HDM12
IT technologies for road management
Paris : from 30/11 to 11/12 (FRA + ENG)
56015 - INFOGER15
Procurement in public management
Paris : from 30/11 to 11/12 (FRA + ENG)
56016 - GESPUB15
Management of local technical divisions
Paris : from 30/11 to 11/12 (FRA + ENG)
56017 - GESTECO15