Les objectifs de ce séminaire sont de qualifier les responsables dans les choix du type de contrats à mettre en œuvre, dans leur passation et leur exécution :
identifier les types de contrats les mieux adaptés à leurs besoins,
mettre en œuvre les procédures efficaces,
définir les outils de gestion nécessaires à faciliter leur mise en place
The objectives of this training are to focus on the various types of contracts, the procurement methods and the contract implementation :
to identify the contract type that best fits needs
to implement efficient procurement procedures
to design management tools for a satisfactory implementation
équipe pédagogique / pedagogical team
travaux / works
repas / lunches
Le séminaire "Gestion Publique : Commande et Achat " s’adresse à des responsables chargés d’organiser et gérer la commande et l’achat public souhaitant maîtriser les différentes techniques de gestion publique.
This course attend managers in charge of organising and managing the public order and purchase, managers wishing to control different public management techniques
M. Christian FOURRER - Directeur des services techniques - Ville de Lourdes /FRANCE
M. Jean-Claude GUEDE - Chef de service du suivi des projets et programme - Ministère du Plan et du Développement / COTE D’IVOIRE
M. Yao TANO - Sous Directeur - Ministère du Plan et du Développement / COTE D’IVOIRE
Mme Koko AYEVA - Responsable administratif et des procédures - Ministère de l’Equipement des Mines et des Postes et Télécommunications / TOGO
Ils n’ont pas pu se joindre au groupe / they did’nt succeed to join the group :
M. Jean-Marie NDONG - Conseiller municipal - Mairie de Douala / CAMEROUN
M. Moussa KOULIBALY - Projet de développement urbain - Ministère de l’urbanisme et de l’habitat / GUINEE
M. Modi Mahy BARRY - Projet de développement urbain - Ministère de l’urbanisme et de l’habitat / GUINEE
M NSIMBA DINZOLELE - Expert à la Direction des études et développement - Groupe Trinkat / RD CONGO
Mme MOMBI SONDO - Conseillère - Goma Consult Congo / RD CONGO
M. MBAYO BANZE - Conseiller - Goma Consult Congo / RD CONGO
Mme NLAND MAMY - Conseillère - Goma Consult Congo / RD CONGO
Goma Consult Congo
Mme BITSHILUAUA BIA TSHIOTO - Experte à la Direction des études et développement - Groupe Trinkat / RD CONGO
M. KANYEBA MWAMBA - Expert à la Direction des études et développement - Groupe Trinkat / RD CONGO
équipe pédagogique / pedagogical team
travaux / works
repas / lunches
1st week
Day 1
Welcome and presentation of the program
Drawing up of the State budget
Day 2
Public general accounting : principles and practices
Fundamental texts and principles
- the ordinance of 1959 and the decree of 1962
- principles of unity, universality, speciality...
- separation of the person entitled to pass account from the accountant
- flexibility of the border between the person entitled to pass account and the accountant
Concept of public budget
- the structure of a budget:splitting between functioning/investment
- budgetary and countable nomenclatures
- management by authorisations of program and credit of payment
- budgetary cycles and schedules
Day 3
Public general accounting : principles and practices
Preparation and negotiation of the budget
- great methods of budgetary preparation
- procedures of negotiation and approval
Implementation and follow-up of the budget
- principles and methods of countable and legal engagement
- made service and liquidation
- mandate and payment
- liquidation and recovery of certificates and government revenues
- methods and instruments of budgetary follow-up
- impact of the Euro’s passage
Day 4
Public general accounting : principles and practices
Modernisation of public management
- development of budgetary autonomy
- policy of financial devolution
- globalisation of credits
- reforms of countable institutions
Public controls
- a priori and a posteriori controls
- controls of opportunity and regularity
- internal and external audits
2nd week
Day 1
Difference legal forms of parapublic structures
- industrial and commercial public-owned establishments
- mixed investment companies
- public corporation, offices
Difference legal forms of private companies
- one-man businesses
- public limited companies
- co-operatives
- Economic Interest Group (GIE)
Day 3 up to date 5
Regulation of the public research and masters of publics contracts
- general principles
- public and private actors
- documents governing and composing a market
- tender documents of companies and markets files
- devolution procedures of public contracts
- double regulation of public markets
- regulation procedures of public contracts statute book
- ordinary regulation procedures
- decision-making process of public order
- derogatory procedures the public contracts statute book
- information of the markets proceeding
3rd week
Day 1
To know, to pass and to manage delegation of public service
Designing of the civil service delegation’s concept
- different shapes of civil service’s delegations : concessions of civil service, of public works, leasing
interested controls, management, ...
- related forms : long leases, markets of long duration, domanial concessions
- the field of delegate management
- the different specifications of contract (water, drainage, transport)
Transfer of delegation contracts
- the new legislative provisions : the law of January 29th, 1993, the law of February 6th , 1992,
the law of August 8th, 1994, the law of February 8th, 1995...
- The community directives
- different stages of the procedure
- company’s choice : selection criteria
- parts to transmit to control legality
- sanction of the rules of transparency : the recourse in national law, in Community law
- penal liability as a delegation
Examination of a model of schedule of conditions
Day 2
To know, to pass and to manage delegation of public service
Implementation of the public service delegations
- general rules enforced to public services : continuity, adaptability, and equality...
- general rules enforced to the contracts : modification of contracts, cancellation, control
- duration, prolongation, renewal, transfer of the contract
- pricing policy of the delegation
- farmer work, "funds of work"
- follow-up and control of the delegation (the annual report of the accounts, its contents)
- the delegate liability towards the thirds and the users
- sanctions taken by the conceding authority (penalties and contractual infringement)
- minor setbacks
Day 3
To know, to pass and to manage delegation of public service
- cases studies
Day 4
General approach on international contracts
Day 5
General approach on international contracts
Synthesis and training course’s evaluation
Principes d’organisation et du management
Conduite de projet
Management et organisation de la maintenance
Gestion prévisonnelle de l’emploi et des compétences appliquée aux cadres techniques
Présentation des fonds structurels
Les différentes formes juridiques : les structures parapubliques et les entreprises privées
La réglementation des marchés publics d’études, de maîtrise d’œuvre et de travaux
Connaître, passer et gérer une délégation de service public (la définition de la notion de délégation de service public, la passation des conventions de délégation, l’execution des délégations de service public)
travaux / works
repas / lunches
Maurice LAROSE - Ville de Nantes
Jean-Pierre LORRAIN - Consultant
Dominique KLEIN
Marie-Hélène PACHEN-LEFEVRE - Cabinet Didier-Seban
équipe pédagogique / pedagogical team
repas / lunches
équipe pédagogique / pedagogical team
travaux / works